Ruth. Watercolor on paper, 18×24″

Book of Ruth

Ruth is the story of faithfulness and hope.

At the beginning of her story, she is widowed and believes she has nothing left to offer. Her mother in law Naomi has also lost both sons AND husband. Naomi insists her two daughters in law return to Ruth’s home land of Moab. Ruth refuses, and renounces her heritage of idolatry in favour of Naomi’s belief in God.

Starting her new life is not easy, yet she finds Boaz’ barley field and he allows her to glean the fields. He tells his servants to leave extra grain for her to pick up. They eventually marry, and she has a son, Obed, who is the grandfather of King David. Ruth’s name is in Jesus’ genealogy Matt 1:5.

I wanted to keep her expression very soft. Sat in the barley field, staring up to the sky. She’s grateful, hopeful, and faithful.

I used blue as her headscarf to A. stand out against the deep yellow/gold of the wheat, and B. the spiritual meanings of blue are trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, heaven, and intelligence.